Friday, June 24, 2016

Video Game Design: Educational Game Psychology in a Nutshell

Game psychology, in a nutshell, is about reward and punishment.  The Paranoia XP rulebook says it best.
If you reward players for doing something you like, they will do more of that.

If you punish players for doing something you don't like, they will do less of that.

 Applied to video game, this generally means, if you want your players to keep playing your game, reward them for it.  Applied to educational games though, the meaning is much less clear.

In educational video games, the above psychological truth is applied to only one facet of the game.  "something you like" is construed to mean learning and solving problems related to the educational goal of the game.  "something you don't like" is applied only to failure to correctly solve the problems presented.  The game generally rewards success with points, a good grade, some visual recognition of the student's success, or even actual game play in a non-educational element of the game.  The reason educational games are, for the most part, an epic failure is that they miss at least two other facets.

In non-educational games, the reward/punishment psychology is applied to the game itself, to encourage players to keep playing the game.  You reward the player for playing the game and progressing in the game, because you want the player to keep playing your game.  Most educational games miss this motivational facet entirely, putting great effort into rewarding players for success in the educational element of the game, but ultimately not motivating them to actually want to play it in the first place.  An educational game that cannot keep players engaged is worthless, no matter how good the educational aspect of the game is.

The educational aspect of an educational game is always viewed by the game designers as the "something" in the above quote.  From the point of view of educators and parents, education is the "something" that they want to encourage students to do more of, but educators and parents are not the target audience of educational games.  Students are the target audience, and designing a game without focusing on the target audience almost always ends in failure.  If you don't believe this, look at educational games.  The fact is, the educational aspect of the game is not just the something we want players to do.  It is also a reward or punishment, and when we apply this to motivation to play the game, it becomes crystal clear why there are almost no decent educational games.

The educational aspect of most educational games is the "work" portion of the game, without any fun.  We hope to motivate students to work through the educational portion of the game, so that they can learn what is being taught and gain some skill in the subject.  We do this by rewarding them for their successes.  Unfortunately, this is not what the players see.  The players don't see the work as the thing that they have to do to earn the reward.  They see it as a punishment for playing the game.  When we punish people for playing our games, they don't want to play those games.  If we cannot see beyond our idealized version of how the game aught to be played, through the eyes of the players, our target audience, we will miss the fact that our games are awful, because we are using learning, which should be fun, to punish the players for playing the game, and in the end we will find that we have alienated our target audience and caused them to hate learning, which is the opposite of our goal.

When making a game for any purpose besides entertainment, it is essential to understand both our target audience as well as the psychological ecosystem created by our game.  If we lose sight of the primary goal of any successful game, to engage players and motivate them to continue playing, it does not matter how good or effective our game is at its stated goal, it cannot be successful, because a game that no one wants to play cannot have a positive impact on anyone.

There are three essential facets to the above quote when designing educational games:
  1. Reward the players for playing the game.  This should be the first goal for every game.  If no one wants to play your game, it cannot benefit anyone (except, perhaps, as an example of what not to do).
  2. Do not let the educational element of the game become a punishment for players.  If the educational element becomes a punishment, it won't matter if people play your game either, because it will just make them hate learning and hate the subject you are trying to teach.  It does not matter if your players come away knowing math or reading or anything, if they hate it so badly they never want to use it again.
  3. Reward players for trying to solve your educational problems, and reward them more for success.  Don't punish them for failure.  The time lost on a failed attempt is already punishment enough, and one of the strongest motivators for playing games is that the cost of failure is low.  Don't make it worse, especially in a game that may already be less motivating than you might want it to be.
These are in order of importance.  A game that does not satisfy #1 has no value, because no one wants to play it in the first place.  An educational game that does not satisfy #2 harms the education of the student, instead of improving it.  An educational game that does not satisfy #3 probably does not satisfy #2 or #1, and even if it does, it is not going to be as effective as it could be, because it does not encourage the player's brain to consider the value of the information to be high enough to store.

This is educational game psychology in a nutshell.  Making effective educational games is not horribly difficult.  In fact, it only requires the same mentality that making successful non-educational games does, with a few extra priorities below the most important one.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Video Game Development: Scheduling

Scheduling is an essential part of game development.  It is how the game decides what subsystems and tasks to run, when, and in which order.  The three most common game subsystems are physics, graphics rendering, and input handling.  These three subsystems are what defines a video game, but they don't have to be everything.  Many games also have an audio subsystem and a networking subsystem.  Some of these, like the physics engine, must run at at least once per game loop.  Some have specific performance requirements to avoid problems, like the input handing and networking systems.  Some are less important but still need to be managed well to avoid annoyances, like the audio system.  Managing all of these is called scheduling.


The most important subsystem of a game is the physics engine.  This handles things like movement of game entities, state changes, and pretty much everything that happens in the game world.  It is sometimes split into multiple pieces, to make management easier, but generally all parts of the physics engine should run at the same speed, and there is usually some order of operations requirement for a good game play experience.  The physics engine does not have to run at a perfectly consistent rate, but it should never be allowed to get more that a few milliseconds behind or ahead, otherwise the game will run too fast or lag.

The second most important subsystem is input handling.  This is often grouped as event handling, which deals with input as well as intersystem communication within the game.  The important thing with input handling is that it happens often enough to keep the game highly responsive.  When a player clicks the mouse, presses a key, or presses a button, the effect on the physics engine should appear to be immediate.  Players can perceive very small amounts of input delay, and laggy input can easily make a great game unplayable.  The input handling system never needs to run more frequently than the physics engine, but it should generally run at least as fast as the renderer.

The third most important subsystem is rendering, often called the graphics engine.  The graphics engine shows the player what is happening within the game world.  The only reason it is less important than physics and input is that the graphics engine's performance requirements are much more flexible.  A game that renders slowly can still be playable if the physics engine and the input handling are running at an acceptable rate.  If the physics engine is too slow though, the game lags, and if the input handling is slow, the player loses the ability to respond quickly.  With a technique called frame skipping, it is acceptable to skip rendering to allow the game engine and input handling to catch up if they get behind.  There are two good rules of thumb for choosing a default frame rate.  The first is avoid going over around 60 to 75 frames per second.  This is because above about 50 frames per second, the human eye is not capable of transmitting data to the brain fast enough to see any difference.  This is also because most monitors have a refresh rate of 60Hz or 75Hz, which means that rending faster than this literally will not make any difference.  The other rule of thumb is to avoid frame rates lower than around 30 frames per second, and if the game is going much lower than 20 frames per second, the user is going to assume that his or her computer just cannot handle the game.

Other subsystems can depends on a lot of factors.  Networking generally needs to be very responsive, to keep things synchronized.  If the audio subsystem is not running frequently enough, it can end up with the sound not synchronized with the game, but it can always skip playing less important sounds if necessary.  If you are doing something like dynamic terrain generation in the background, you will want it to go fast enough that nothing important gets into an ungenerated area, but not so fast that the physics engine starts to get laggy.  In general, other subsystems are not as important as the top three, but when any of the top three rely on them, it may be necessary to give them higher priority.

Game Loop

The game loop is where most of the scheduling occurs.  Unless you are multithreading to put graphics or networking in another thread, the game loop decides when to call all of the various subsystems.  The order subsystems are called in does matter, though it typically matters the most when you have more than the main three.  The input handling should happen directly before the physics, so that the physics is working with the most recent input.  This is important for minimizing input delay.  The graphics engine should generally render directly after the physics engine runs, to display the new game state to the user as soon as possible.  If the game is networked, that may need to happen either right before or right after the the input handling or the physics (depending on the details of the protocol).

The game loop is responsible for timing.  This may mean that the game loop is responsible for making sure that the physics engine is kept above a minimum rate, or it might mean that it needs to keep it within a certain range.  It should make sure that input is handled regularly and that rendering happens without getting in the way of anything more important.  It also needs to deal with running other subsystems regularly.  The most important thing is managing priorities.  In some ways, a game loop is like the scheduling system in an operating system, though with rather less complexity.

Scheduling Algorithms

The scheduling algorithm is the strategy used by the game loop to keep everything running smoothly.  There are two popular scheduling algorithms that can be adjusted to fit most situations.

The first popular scheduling algorithm is time scaling.  Long ago, game loops did not do any scheduling.  They relied on the speed of the processor to maintain appropriate game speed.  This eventually lead to a problem.  When Intel's 80386 processor came out, a lot of people noticed that their games would run way too fast.  The games were designed on much slower 80286 or older processors, and these were slow enough that limiting speed had never had any value.  With the 80386 though, these games ran so fast that they were unplayable.  The initial solution was that most computer manufacturers added a "turbo" button to their 80386 and 80486 computers that would reduce the clock rate of the chips to make older games playable.  Of course, new games would also have this problem if the developers did not do something about it, and relying on the continued existence of the turbo button, as even faster computers appeared, was clearly not a wise option.  One of the solutions to this problem was to scale the speed of the physics engine to the time passing.

The time scaling scheduling algorithm is simple.  Any time any state change occurs in the game world, the magnitude of the change is scaled by how much time has passed since the previous game loop.  If a game entity was set to move at 10 pixels per second, and one tenth of a second had passed, the entity would move 1 pixel.  This provides a major advantage in two ways.  If the game is running extremely fast, the game world still runs at the expected rate, just with finer precision.  If the game is running very slow though, it still seems to run at the correct rate, and the slowness is only apparent in rendering and input delay.  In other words, for any given computer, the game physics appear to run at the same rate, and only the visual representation and responsiveness suffer.  There are also several costs to this scheduling strategy.  The first is that it requires many physics variables to be floating point variables, to deal with the very fine granularity of the game running on a very fast system.  This can degrade performance on slower systems.  The second is that floating point math is inherently inaccurate.  While these inaccuracies generally only occur on an extremely small scale, which will not be noticed by a player, they add up enough to make it quite difficult to keep networked games synchronized.  The problem is that floating point error adds up faster on fast machines than slow machines, which means that two networked machines doing the same math will probably not end up with the same cumulative results.  This problem can be mitigated, but another scheduling strategy exists that makes it unnecessary.

The fixed rate scheduling algorithm runs the physics engine at a fixed rate.  The physics engine does not need to do any time math, because it can assume that each time it is called, the same amount of time has passed.  The game loop typically handles this by keeping track of how much time a given loop has taken, and then sleeping for the remaining time at the end.  One problem with fixed rate scheduling is that if the operations in the loop take longer than the allotted time, the game will get behind and start to lag.  This makes it not very resilient to slower computers.  In addition, this can make collision detection more difficult, as game entities generally move in larger fixed distances than time scaling.  The problem arises when a game entity is moving fast enough that it traverses the distance across another entity in one frame, effectively moving right through it.  The benefits of fixed rate scheduling include the fact that it does not waste CPU cycles unnecessarily, and as long as the ends of a networked game are on the same physics frame, their state should be identical.

In modern games, fixed rate scheduling is generally preferred, because so many games are networked, and it is the best algorithm for networked games.  Its downsides are pretty serious though.  It does not scale down well, which can limit the game to only faster systems.  The length of intervals cannot be guaranteed, because no sleep function provides a 100% guarantee that it will sleep for exactly as long as requested.  These are some pretty serious problems, as they mean that the game can get behind or ahead at the whim of the operating system, and slow systems will just have to deal with chronically laggy games (which does not work at all for networked games).  Fixed rate scheduling comes with more serious problems than time scaled scheduling, but it turns out they are also easier to deal with.

The typical fixed rate game loop does more than just running all of the subsystems and then sleeping for the remaining time.  It also prioritizes subsystems, ensuring that the most important ones always get as much time as they need, at the cost of the less important ones.  In addition to this, it keeps track of how much time passes during sleeps, so that it can mitigate cases where a sleep takes longer than expected.  A fixed rate game loop in Python might look like this:

    new_t = time.time()
    pending_time = pending_time + new_t - t  # Add time elapsed
    t = new_t


    while (pending_time > 0.020):  # 20ms is 50 times per second
        update()  # A common function name for physics
        pending_time = pending_time - 0.020

    render()  # A common function name for graphics
    sleep(0.20 - (time.time() - t) - pending_time)

Here are some things to note:

We only get the current time to store once per loop.  There is no reason to do it more often, and in fact, if we do, we may end up frequently losing small amounts of time.  An important note is that time.time() is not a high precision timer, and thus it should not be used for real games.  Pygame has a Clock object that is much more suited to this purpose.  Likewise, sleep() is also too low resolution to be used for games, but Pygame's Clock object can manage this functionality as well.

Instead of keeping track of only the time elapsed since the last loop, we are keeping track of all time elapsed, and then we are subtracting the expected time per loop from that for each time we run the physics engine.  This ensures that if the OS sleeps for too long, we eventually get that time back when it adds up to enough to matter.

The physics engine runs in a while loop.  This allows us to catch up if we get behind.  If enough sleeps taking too long adds up to a full game loop of time, we will just run the physics engine an extra time during the next loop, which will catch us right up.

The render and input handling are outside of the while loop.  This essentially skips frames if the game is behind, and since rendering tends to take a long time, skipping a frame now and then can allow the game to run smoothly even on slower systems.  If the game has to skip a lot of frames, this may result in significant input delay though, so it may be better to put the input handler inside the loop as well, if you expect a lot of customers to be running your game on computers that can only barely handle it.

The while loop subtracts 20ms from pending_time each time it runs the physics engine.  This is the second part of what allows us to keep track of smaller amounts of leftover time.

The sleep function only sleeps for 20ms minus the time elapsed since we began the last game loop and the pending time.  The first part is there, because we only want to sleep for the remaining time.  It accounts for the part of the 20ms that has already been used running the various subsystems.  The second part is there to keep the time intervals as consistent as possible.  Ideally, this means that if there is any time pending, we only sleep just long enough that we have accumulated exactly 20ms.  In practice, this is unlikely to happen often, but doing this will help to avoid skipped frames as much as possible, by reducing the chances that pending_time will ever accumulate enough time to run the physics more than once a loop.

This example is fairly simple, and it does not include any extra subsystems.  Most subsystems will need to be included in the same priority level as the physics engine or renderer, but lower priority subsystems may need a new priority level.  This might be done by checking how much of the 20ms (or whatever period you give your game loop) is remaining after the first and second priorities have run, and if there is not enough time, skip them and go straight to the loop.  Even more complex priority systems can be created  as well, ensuring that the top priority subsystems run every loop, and then rotating through the lower priority subsystems, running or skipping a few each loop, depending on timing.  It is important to keep in mind though, that the game loop is the top level bottleneck for the game, and it is possible for a complex scheduling system to end up taking up more time than it ultimately saves.  You may need a complex scheduling system, if you have a lot of different subsystems, and if each subsystem needs a certain level of reliability to be guaranteed, but if you don't actually need this, don't do it.  The scheduling system's job is to make sure the game runs smoothly and responsively, and if the scheduling system itself becomes too heavy, it will get in its own way.

Good scheduling is an essential element in the development of a good game.  The scheduler budgets time, ideally making sure that everything gets as much time as it needs, but rationing time effectively when there is not enough to go around.  Choosing or developing a good scheduling algorithm for your game can be just as important as any other part of development, because it really does not matter how awesome your game is if it is unplayable.  In addition, a good scheduler can allow your game to run smoothly on a much wider range of systems, dramatically increasing the size of your market.

Video Game Development: Efficiency Part 2

Memory Profiling

We won't go deep into this subject, but it is good to be familiar with the idea.  Memory profiling is a method of tracking and viewing the memory usage statistics of your program.  It can be used to track down memory leaks and to find parts of the program that are using more memory than expected.  In general, it is good to use some kind of process viewer to see how much memory your game is using, but if you find it using more memory than you expect, you will need to do some memory profiling to figure out where and why it is using so much memory.

There is a Python library called memory_profiler that can be installed with the command pip install -U memory_profiler.  (Python generally comes with pip, but under certain circumstances, you may find you need to install it yourself.)  You should also run pip install -U psutil, or memory_profiler may take an excessively long time calculating the results (it also may not be able to calculate some of the results).  How to use this module is beyond the scope of this article, but a quick Google search should offer more than enough documentation.

Data Structures

Perhaps the two most common data structures used in software development are the array and the linked list.  Understanding how these work can provide you with tools for customizing performance to your target platform.  An array has a static size, and it is fast for random access.  Because the size is static, if you need the size to be changed, you have to create a new, larger array and then copy all of the data, which is quite expensive.  Linked lists are slow for random access, and they use more memory than arrays, but they are dynamically sizable, and resizing is cheap.  Neither data structure is perfect for every situation, but arrays tend to be better when your list of data will not be increasing or decreasing often, and you need to be able to quickly access any element.  Linked lists tend to be better when the size of your list will be changing frequently and most of the access is sequential (like, in a for loop).  These are not the only data structures with this kind of tradeoff, though they are the most commonly used data structures in games.


Games seem like the perfect place to use objects, but there are some important things to realize about objects and efficiency.  To start with, objects are a meta-data type.  In other words, objects define new data types.  As with any data type, objects should be used when appropriate and avoided when not.  Common wisdom teaches that the best programming style for object oriented programs is to encase everything in an object.  This makes about as much sense as saying that every piece of data in a program should be stored in the form of a string, a char, or an integer, especially with reference to game programming.

Objects tend to cause caching issues.  Caching prefers data that is used sequentially, for example, an array of integers that is being processed in a for loop.  An array of integers where only every 5th element is being processed in the loop is far less efficient for caching than an array where every element is being accessed, because we are causing data to be loaded into the cache, but we are not using it.  Objects are the epitome of this problem.  A game entity object might contain the coordinates of the object, the facing of the object, the current action of the object, the destination of the object, and a pointer to the sprite that will represent the object on the screen.  A collision detection algorithm might only care about the coordinates and destination of the object, but if it loads an array of objects, the facing, current action, and sprite pointer will also all be loaded into cache.  That leaves maybe half of the data in cache actually being used.  The renderer will only care about location and sprite, so again, we have cache coherency issues slowing down our program.  If, instead, we stored these entities in 5 arrays, one for each element of the object, only the appropriate data would be loaded into cache, which could significantly improve performance (at the cost of making the program a bit more difficult to understand).

Objects also use additional memory.  A simple struct holding the same data will only have the data overhead.  Depending on the language, an object may be storing type information, class meta-data, and some kind of function table (a VTABLE, in C++).  In some languages, objects have a selection of inherently built in data and functions that can make objects quite expensive.  In addition, looking up functions from a VTABLE requires some pointer lookups, which make using objects more expensive for the CPU as well.  Overall, objects are just an expensive way of making programming resemble the real world a bit more, but the cost is that it makes it harder for the computer to understand, which results in inefficiencies.

In some cases, objects can actually be good for performance.  If most accesses to an object use all of the data contained in the object, objects can actually improve cache coherency.  There may still be higher function call overhead, but that is generally less expensive than cache coherency problems.

Objects can be bad for performance, and this is a more serious problem for games.  Excessive use of objects, or using objects where it is not appropriate can come at a big cost.

In general, and especially in games, you should only use objects where they make sense.  Objects should not be used as containers for a bunch of random information.  They should encapsulate closely related data and functions used to manipulate that data.  They should also avoid being bottlenecks in your game.  Some inefficiency can be tolerated, if it is not somewhere that is used so frequently that it becomes a problem.  When dealing with parts of the game that are used frequently though, it is important to consider things like cache coherency and how the use of objects will affect memory usage and performance, and avoid using objects entirely where they don't make sense.

Compiler Optimization and Programmer Intent

One of the most valuable functions of a modern compiler is optimizing the machine code it produces.  A well designed compiler can do things like taking a short loop with a predictable size and unroll it into a sequence of instructions without any branches.  Another optimization is putting the code for small functions directly into the code where it is used.  Because branching is expensive, these reductions in branching improve the performance of the code without making it any less reliable.  When a compiler does this, it is determining the intent of the programmer by the code that it is given, and it is producing different but equivalent code that is more efficient.  Compiler optimization is an essential tool in modern application development, but it still has its limitations.

Compiler optimization is all about programmer intent.  If the compiler can figure out what the programmer wants, then how to do it becomes very flexible.  Unfortunately, imperative programming languages are all about the how, and determining what the programmer wants based on how the programmer says to do it is very difficult.  Declarative programming languages, including functional languages, focus far more on the what than the how, which allows for far more optimization, however programming large games requires a familiarity with the programming paradigm that very few programmers ever get with non-imperative languages.  So, unless you want to learn to write games in languages like Haskell (which is not only possible, but honestly not that hard once you gain a bit of experience), it is important to understand what assumptions a compiler can and cannot make about the intent of your code.

Unless you are using a functional language, it is rarely profitable to put a lot of effort into giving your compiler information about your intent.  C99 introduced the "restrict" keyword into the C language to tell the compiler that certain kinds of pointer ambiguity do not exist, which allows it to optimize more.  The "volatile" keyword in C and C++ exists to allow the compiler to optimize certain pointer operations by default, while still allowing the programmer to tell the compiler when not to optimize.  Beyond this though, the build in compiler optimization is generally enough, and when it is not, you have to optimize in assembly, find another solution to the problem, or just deal with it.  There are some valuable things to keep in mind that can help avoid making it difficult for the compiler to optimize.

One of the biggest hurdles to optimization is the unnecessary use of objects.  By encapsulating unlike but related data, you force the compiler to group that data together in memory, and you tell the compiler than you intend on using that information as a group.  When your actual usage patterns do not fit this assumption and do not work well with grouping dissimilar data, you put the compiler in a position where it will misinterpret your intent, resulting in significantly worse performance.  Even when encapsulation seems very appropriate, it can be the source of a lot of performance problems, because it sends the compiler mixed messages, and the compiler essentially has to guess.

Sometimes built in language features can help you provide information about intent, but it is also important to understand that built in features are often so generic that they are not optimal for any specific application.  The cout function in C++ is a great example of this.  It can do anything you need, but because you do not ever need everything it does, all of that extra functionality is wasted cost.  On the other hand, Python has a feature called a list comprehension that not only reduces what would normally be a for loop generating a list by appending items to the end of it into a single line statement, it also tells the compiler that your only intent is to create a list.  This allows for much more optimization, and the result is that list comprehensions are almost always faster than regular for loops for generating lists.

Because imperative language compilers optimize by trying to determine the programmer's intent, it is good practice to include as much intent information as you can.  Unfortunately, the amount of intent you can include is very limited and can cost far more time than it is worth.  Sometimes the best way to optimize is to write up some simple code for different ways of solving the problem and then performance testing them.


Bottlenecks have been mentioned several times so far, but what are they?  Every program has places where it spends a lot of time.  In a video game, this might be the main update function, the graphics rendering function, and the event handler.  These are bottlenecks, because if one of these things is slow, it slows down the whole program.  Specific operations can also be bottlenecks, if they happen a lot.  In general, anything that needs to happen every single game loop is a bottleneck, and if a bottleneck is slow, it does not matter how fast the rest of your program runs, your program will be slow.  This means that bottlenecks are the most important places for optimization.

The first major bottleneck is memory access.  Things like allocating memory, looking up pointers, and even reading or writing memory take a long time.  Avoiding unnecessary memory access can be hard, but with modern processors often having to wait for up to 200 cycles for a memory access, this is definitely a good place to consider optimization.

In a major loop that happens a lot, poorly optimized code can be a significant bottleneck.  If your program spends 50% of its time in a single function and the code in that function takes twice as long as it should, your program is wasting 25% of its time on poorly optimized code.

I/O is a major bottleneck as well.  Graphics I/O not only requires a lot of memory access, it also requires even slower communication with the graphics card.  Since rendering needs to happen at a very high rate, the cost of this bottleneck can be very high.

Some bottlenecks can be optimized away.  For things like I/O that cannot, concurrency is a possible solution.  Concurrency means running two different tasks at the same time, so that one task can keep running while another task is waiting for a slow operation.  Concurrency comes with its own costs, and it can sometimes be its own bottleneck, but a well designed game can put the rendering in a separate thread to eliminate it as a bottleneck for the rest of the game engine.

When optimizing, bottlenecks should always be the biggest focus.  Optimizing a function that takes only 1% of the execution time has almost no effect on performance, even if you optimize it by 90%.  Optimizing a function that takes 50% of the execution time can make a difference, even if you only optimize it by 10%.  It can be tempting to try to optimize everything, but the best strategy is to only optimize where it makes the greatest difference, and this is where the bottlenecks are.


Perhaps one of the biggest excuses in software development for lazy optimization is the enormous amount of resources available in modern computers.  Try telling a programmer he or she should be using a short instead of and int, and you will get a lecture about how modern computers have so much memory that will never even matter.  In some cases this may be true, but it is good practice to avoid flagrant waste.  Likewise, inefficient algorithms are quite common, and they are often written by people who believe that modern processors can handle anything, so it does not matter.  If the sort takes 0.002 seconds instead of 0.001, no one is ever going to notice right?  Unfortunately, this idea that modern computers have unlimited resources is just not true.

It is fairly common now to find computers with 8GB of ram.  Most of the offerings in stores have at least that much memory, and even most online offerings have plenty of memory.  So, if you are making a new game, and you are fine with limiting your market to people with 8GB of memory, you can use most of that right?  After the OS, which uses maybe 1GB or less if it is Linux or between 1GB and 2GB if it is Windows, your game should be fine using 6GB to 6.5GB.  Admittedly, most games are not up to this point yet, but it does not matter.  For an immersive, full screen game, you can probably expect to have around 3GB to 4GB of that 8GB.  Why?  What else is your customer using on their computer at the same time?  Almost no one, not even most gamers, have absolutely nothing running in the background while playing.  For games like World of Warcraft, Minecraft, and Terraria, which are all fairly immersive, full screen games (though, not always played literally full screen), the typical player also has a browser opened in the background, and it is pretty routine for modern browsers to use about half a GB of memory just for the browser and an empty tab.  If you have one or two pages open, with information about the game you are playing, you can expect closer to 1GB, and don't forget, the OS is still probably taking between 1GB and 2GB.  Few gamers have only the tabs they need opened though.  They might have a tab for email, a tab for Facebook, and one or two tabs for other things, which leaves you with even less memory.  Even if your game style does not lend itself to this kind of play, you should at least expect anti-virus software to be using some resources, and maybe things like a video driver control tool, a game launcher program (Steam or launcher), a control tool for a touch pad, and any number of other things.  More casual gamers might even leave very heavy weight programs like MS Office open in the background, so they don't have to wait for it to start when they go back to what they were doing before.  In other words, your customer's computer is not your game's playground.  It is a place where your game is sharing resources with a lot of other things.

Processor power is harder to measure, but it is equally important to play nicely.  If your game never sleeps, you will likely end up consuming all of the processor power of at least one core.  If your game is multithreaded, you could consume one core for each thread.  Even a simple program that just loops repeatedly, waiting for an event can slow down your customers' computers.  Most programming languages have some kind of sleep function, and pretty much all game libraries have their own sleep function that is better.  These sleep functions are not merely loops that keep checking if enough time has passed.  They actually give up control to the OS, while requesting the OS to awaken them once the specified time has passed.  This allows other programs (including OS processes) to use the processor while the game is waiting (for example, for the next frame).  Just as with memory, your customers' computers almost certainly have other programs running in the background that need CPU time, and often your game is relying on some of these (which means that if you don't give up unneeded CPU time, it may, ironically, cause your game to lag and perform poorly).  Don't forget that your game will always have to play nice with other processes, unless it is the only thing running on an embedded system.

Another concern with attitude that every modern computer has plenty of resources is that it is a lie.  A vast majority of modern computers have less than 4GB of memory, and most of them have very weak processors compared to what you might have in your laptop or desktop.  I am talking about mobile devices, like smart phones and tablets.  Not only do these devices typically have the resources you might expect to find on a Pentium 2 or Pentium 3, they also tend to have a lot more things running in the background.  Most mobile device users do not realize that they can close programs, and even those that do often don't realize that it is a good idea to do so.  There is no way to get around the problem where a user has so many open applications that your game cannot run, but you can put effort into making sure your game is not squandering resources unnecessarily.

Writing games with the expectation of having exclusive access to all system resources will result in failure.  If you write a game that can take up to 8GB of memory to run, you should not expect it to run well for your customers on less than 12GB or 16GB of memory.  If your game performs fine on an average processor with nothing else running, don't expect your users to get good performance without a fairly high end processor.  If you really want to do it right though, instead of doing tests on a clean system running only the OS, try running it with all of the applications you normally have opened when working.  A high end IDE might be comparable to having a few MS Office documents open.  Leave your browser open with all of tabs you are currently using (if you only have a few, open 3 or 4 more).  Make sure your anti-virus program is doing whatever it does by default.  If your game runs perfectly fine under these conditions, you can probably expect anyone with an equally powerful computer to also run it fine.

The important part to remember is that modern computer users multitask, and if it is even possible that the user could be running something else at the same time as the game, you should assume that your game will be just one program in the ecosystem that has to get along and share with many others.

Efficiency has largely been thrown aside in software development and even much of computer science education, but it is no less important than it has been in the past.  As computers have become more powerful, programs have also become more hungry and users have increased their multitasking.  In the past, software developers and especially game designers have been lucky, because even though resources were far more limited, at least they could rely on the fact that all available resources were fair game.  Modern computers are more like a habitat for many programs inhabit at the same time.  If your programs don't play nice with everything else there, then you will find it hard to get and keep customers.  Instead of looking at 16GB of ram and thinking that nothing could ever use it all, consider how many other programs will running, each taking a chunk of that.  Playing nice may not make your game successful, but no one wants to play a game that requires them to shut everything else down just so it will run smoothly.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Video Game Development: Efficiency Part 1

What kind of computers to game developers program on?  I cannot tell you the answer to this question, and I am sure it varies widely, but there are some important things we know about programming and especially writing large programs that can give us some insight.

Computer programs take time to compile.  Compiling very small programs typically takes mere seconds.  Compiling medium sized programs can take significantly longer.  For example, the Linux kernel can take from 1 to 8 hours to compile, depending on your machine.  It may be possible to get it down to 30 minutes, but this is still quite a long time for someone sitting in an office, repeatedly compiling a game to test the most recently changed or added code.  Many games are smaller than the Linux kernel, and thus should take significantly less time to compile.  Most mainstream games, however, are much bigger than the Linux kernel, and thus should take significantly longer to compile.  There are two ways to improve the speed at which your program compiles.  Adding more memory to your machine can reduce how much disk reads and writes are necessary, and large programs can even start swapping memory to disk if you don't have enough.  The other way to improve compile speeds is to get a better processor, and if your compiler can multi-thread compilation, having more cores can make a huge difference.  The point here is, if every compile took many hours, video game companies would have a hard time being profitable.  If, however, the developers all have the fastest machines, with as many cores as possible, and with plenty of memory, then compilation time can be very dramatically reduced, which will allow the company to be far more profitable.

What kind of computer does the average person have?  The average person does not have a computer with a very fast 4, 6, or 8 core processor.  The average person does not have enormous amounts of memory.  In short, the average person has a cheap Walmart computer that is great for surfing the web (without too many tabs open at a time), editing Word documents, and watching Netflix.  The average person does not need a computer that can compile a large video game in less than an hour.

What kind of computer does the typical member of your target audience have?  This is the important question.  There are some gamers who will buy a new computer, if their current one cannot run a game they want.  Don't expect anyone to do this for a game developer that is not very well known though.  It is essential to realize that if your game does not run well on the computers owned by your target audience, your target audience will not be part of the market for your game.  In other words, you will likely find that very few people will buy it.


There are many possible game platforms, and some of them are extremely convenient to develop games for.  Knowing your platform well is very important, if you want your target audience to be able to run your game.

Aside from politics, expensive development packs, and certifications, perhaps the easiest platform to develop for is a console.  Consoles provide a static set of requirements.  If you are developing a game for the Wii, the XBox One, or the latest Playstation, you don't have to worry about what processor your customers will have or how much memory your game will need to work with.  You can buy the console you are developing for, and then when you test your game on it, it will tell you exactly how your game will perform for every other person that has the same console.  The biggest downside is that new console versions come out fairly regularly, which often makes console games become obsolete much faster than PC games.

PCs (including Linux, Mac, and Windows PCs) are a very open platform.  You don't need to buy a dev kit from anyone to program for PC, and it is legal to sell your games without expensive certifications.  You also don't have to deal with some of the politic surrounding console game development, that tends to push smaller game developers out of the market.  Unfortunately, the ease ends there.  You will need to make a choice up front: Which OS do you want to create your game for, or do you want to try to make it cross platform?  If you have to pick a single OS, Windows is almost your only option for a really profitable game.  If you decide to go cross platform, you are either stuck using a less efficient interpreted or bytecode compiled language, or you are stuck writing OS specific code for each OS you want to support, and then dealing with the compile time stuff for making sure the right code gets compiled.  In any case, a cross platform game means that you will need to do testing on all platforms you expect it to run on.  In general, PC is the most accessible platform, but it does come at a cost.

Mobile devices are currently an enormous part of the video game market, and this market is only growing.  Mobile games also seem to have a might higher chance of going viral than PC or console games.  As a market that still has a lot of room for innovation and improvement, this might be the market with the highest potential profit.  Unfortunately, it suffers from many of the problems with PC, but it does not have most of the benefits.  Officially, mobile is a very open platform, however, it can be quite difficult to get into, because it has a steep learning curve.  In addition though, you will find yourself not only dealing with multiple operating system, an enormous ecosystem of devices with difference processors, memory, screen size, screen orientation, and even input interfaces (buttons, touchscreens...).  If you want to write games for iOS, you will have to deal with all of the politics, dev kit, and certification that comes with developing for consoles, but you don't get the dedicated gamer base that successful consoles always have.  Writing games for Android does not come with as much drama, but you still need a free dev kit, and you are largely constrained in your choice of language, unless you are really in for some pain and suffering.  One of the worst parts with mobile game development (which is generally also a problem with consoles) is that you cannot generally develop on the device.  You have to develop and compile on another computer, and then load into a virtual machine or your device for testing, which increases the development time.

There is one more reasonably common platform for games: Embedded systems.  They used to be much more popular, and technically, some handheld consoles qualify as more complex embedded systems, but I am talking about the handheld game devices that come with only one or a few games.  New games cannot be added to these, and the kind of games you find on them are generally fairly simple, but they can also be quite fun.  Programming for embedded systems can be very challenging.  For an embedded system game, the game itself takes the place of the OS, which means that you will also probably have to write some of your own device drivers and utility functions.  Learning a new embedded system is a lot of work, and if you don't use the knowledge constantly, it is easy to forget, but embedded systems can be extremely cheap.  You will find this kind of handheld game for between $5 and $20 in most cases.  They are cheap enough to be impulse purchases.  Generally more experienced gamers will save their money for something better, but younger children tend to really enjoy them, and the often pressure their parents to buy them.  They also make good stocking stuffers for Christmas, or small gifts for other holidays.  In general, embedded system games are not so good for small game companies, because LCD screens can be fairly expensive if you cannot buy in bulk, and an embedded system handheld game is very unlikely to sell well at $40 to $50 each.

Resource Management

One way to ensure that a game fails is to include so much special effects that your target audience cannot run the game on their computers.  Even if most of your target audience does have powerful machines, you will almost always lose market share if your game has very high system requirements.

Any time you add something to your game that will require more resources, it is a good idea to ask yourself if that thing is really necessary.  For some types of games, 3D graphics with realistic shadows may be necessary to appeal to your target audience.  In rare cases, these shadows may even add significantly to the game.  Most of the time though, you can reduce resource requirements by using something less realistic but also less resource hungry, and no one will notice.

Why is it that in the age of high end 3D video games, some of the most popular games use low resolution pixel graphics?  Terraria and Minecraft both use graphic styles that are way behind the times.  Terraria, admittedly, has absolutely beautiful pixel graphics, but so did Commander Keen, and almost no one is playing that anymore.  Minecraft does have 3D graphics, but not really in any style ever used historically.  Minecraft takes 3D graphics and puts low resolution pixel graphics textures on them, giving it a very unique sort of lazy grunge look, and it is one of the most popular games of all time.  These two games, and a host of others, make it clear that you don't need GPU intensive graphics to impress and be profitable.  A good theme (sandbox, for Minecraft and Terraria) or a good story (plenty of indie games found on Steam) are often far more valuable to gamers than epic graphics without either of those things.

The point here is, don't add expensive bells and whistles to your game when they are not needed.  Sometimes high end graphics are justified, but if they come at the expensive of the game actually being good, that is a problem.  Adding high end graphics to try to appeal to a wider audience may work quite well, but if the additional resource usage puts your game out of reach of most of your audience, you spent extra time and money for nothing.

Another factor in resource management is how much time and money a game costs to make.  The longer the game takes, the more it costs, and the most impressive things like graphics, the more it costs.  It is important to consider how an impressive feature will affect your schedule and your cost.  If the game comes too late, something similar but better might upstage it, and if the cost is to high, you may find yourself having to charge more than your target audience can afford, just to break even.


Sometimes your game will end up requiring to much resources, but there is nothing you can reasonably remove to improve the situation.  You can try to take care of this problem early on, but beware of premature optimization.  In many cases, optimization can increase your market by making your game run on older, or less expensive machines.

There are several ways to optimize CPU performance.  The first is precalculation.  It is fairly common to use a calculation in a game in multiple places.  When doing movement math, you may end up with a factor that needs to be multiplied by both your x and y coordinate.  Instead of doing the math twice, in two long calculations, store the factor in a variable, so you only have to calculate it once.  So long as all of this happens within a function, the memory will be released as soon as it returns, making the performance gain free.

There are also some micro level CPU optimizations, however, these should not even be considered until the product is almost finished, and even then, they should generally only be attempted after everything else.  One valuable CPU level optimization is cache coherency.  Because memory access is very slow, the CPU will copy chunks of memory into cache, which is much faster.  A CPU only has a limited amount of cache though, and if you consistently access items in memory that are very far from each other, the CPU will have to constantly reload the cache, which will cost a lot of time for the memory access.  Arranging your data so that things like loops will stick to accessing only data that is close together will minimize these "cache misses," which can have a very dramatic effect on performance.  The catch with cache coherency optimization is that there is a heavy dependence on what CPU you are using.  While most modern CPUs use similar cache systems, failure to account for differences can make your game run really well on a system with one processor, but rather poorly on a system with a similar processor that is a different model or made by a different manufacturer.  If you are programming for a console, you don't have to worry about this, but if you are programming for PC or mobile, there are practical limitations to how much you can get out of this, if you still want your game to run well on any system that meets the system requirements.

The last CPU optimization we will discuss is assembly level optimization.  Even highly optimizing compilers are not perfect, and because the compiler does not always know your intent, sometimes it has to make assumptions that may not be true.  If you are familiar with assembly language, you can fix these optimization issues, which can cause very dramatic performance improvements.  Generally though, this should be avoided.  assembly languages are processor specific.  If you are trying to make a cross platform game, you will have to write the assembly optimization for every processor type you expect the game to run on.  In addition, there is only one case where assembly level optimization will make a noticeable difference.  This is where the thing you are optimizing is a bottleneck.  Improving the performance of something that is already blazing fast won't do much for the overall performance of your game.  If, however, you come across a performance problem caused by something that uses a significant amount of the execution time, assembly level optimization might be a good solution if nothing else works.

In many cases, often including mobile devices, memory usage is an important efficiency factor.  While most modern PCs have more than 4GB of memory, your typical cell phone or tablet will have half that or less.  It can be fairly easy to use all of that up quite quickly, if you are not paying attention.  A good example of a memory optimization problem is map tile data.  If we are making a game that has a tiled map, what data do we need to store for each tile?  Examples might include x and y coordinates, tile type, whether or not units can walk over this tile, and the sprite to display.  If the game is a strategy game, we might want to also store information like resources available on the tile and who controls it.  It turns out though, that for a large sized map, tracking all of this data can be extremely expensive.  It is not always obvious, but because a flat map is a 2 dimensional object, its memory usage increases much faster than linearly as it expands.  A better option might be to store the map in a 2D array, where the array index represents the location of the tile, associate the tile type with the sprite, so we only have to store type, and perhaps use bit packing to store things like whether a tile is traversable or not and who owns the tile, in a single 8 or 16 bit variable.  The takeaway here is, when storing state data, consider whether you really need each element of data.  Some data can be left out and be calculated from other data (though, on a slower system with a lot of memory, this might not be optimal).  Some data can be associated with other data, allowing it to just be looked up, instead of storing a copy with every object.  Some data is just not really important.  Cool features are nice, but a game that performs well is better.

Another facet to memory optimization is data types.  This is a problem I see, even from professionals.  It is trivial to consider what data type you actually need, and this does not qualify as premature optimization.  If there is no way your variable will ever exceed 255 or go below 0, use a char instead of an int!  If you end up creating many instances of an object or struct, those 3 unnecessary bytes can waste an enormous amount of memory.  In general, if you are programming in a language that allows you to choose your data types, spend a second or two thinking about what will work best, instead of just picking a common default.  Far too many programs, games and otherwise, waste tons of memory using ints for every integer value, even when a short or char would do perfectly fine!  Also, consider whether an unsigned type might be better.  There are plenty of cases where negative numbers are not needed, and the extended positive length of a smaller type would be sufficient.  It is almost always worth considering whether a smaller type would be sufficient.  That said, always consider carefully.  You might use an unsigned char to represent your tile types, because you never expect to use more than 256 different tiles on a map, but then one day, you find that this is limiting your creativity on a certain map you want to make.  Doubling the side of the type variable might not always be feasible, but it does not take much math to get a good estimate of how much memory a certain size of map will take up given the data and types the tiles contain, and you may find that for your game, the effect is not as dramatic as you expected.

The takeaway for optimization is, there are some good practices (choosing variable types wisely) that you should probably already be doing, which will avoid unnecessary performance issues.  Aside from those things though, optimization should occur only when necessary.  Premature optimization will cost a lot of time and money, and it rarely ends up targeting the biggest problems.  Don't try to solve problems that don't yet exist.


There are some valuable things to know about graphics that can help with optimization.  The first is that graphics operations are slow I/O operations.  Communicating with the video card is generally even slower than communicating with memory.  Minimizing graphics operations can make a big difference for performance.  OpenGL and some other graphics card interfaces allow the program to store graphics data on memory that is on the actual graphics card.  This is an excellent way of improving performance.

The really important things to understand are related to human biology.  The human body, and especially the eyes, have some inherent limitation, and being aware of these limitations can help you to avoid over optimizing your game.  The first thing to know is that few humans can see any difference past about a 50Hz frame rate.  The second thing to know is that more than 60Hz is beyond the perception of almost all humans, and if you are using a 60Hz monitor, it won't make any difference anyhow, because the monitor cannot display faster than that.  Since most monitors have a refresh rate of 60Hz or 75Hz, the hardware limitations make it wasteful and pointless to try to push your frame rate past 75Hz, and biological limitations make it pointless to go past 50Hz or 60Hz.  For some perspective, subliminal messages, which are generally one frame ads put into movies, are generally not noticeable running at a mere 24Hz.

One other way of optimizing graphics is to put your rendering in a separate thread from the main game loop.  This will allow your game loop to keep running while the renderer is waiting for I/O to finish.  For the most part though, the best way to improve graphics performance is to simplify the graphics, so the GPU has less work to do.

This  is an extensive topic, so the rest will be covered in a separate post.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

House Programming Language

First, I seem to recall writing an article on this subject before, probably on one of my other blogs.  Second, this is geared more toward CTOs, CEOs, and business owners who may not be as familiar with computer science as people with computer science degrees.

There is this concept in industry of a "house programming language."  This comes about mostly from CTOs or CEOs who want to simplify their business but who do not understand programming very well.  There are numerous justifications for doing this, and they generally have completely valid justifications, but the justifications do not apply well to software development.

A "house programming language" is the programming language used within a company, to the exclusion of any other language.  It is generally a language that is equally good for most tasks.  In fact, it is generally Java, though it might be more appropriate to say that Java is equally bad for most tasks.

The justifications for a "house programming language" may include simplicity, avoidance of training costs, lower hiring costs, and avoiding problems when the only employee who know a language quits.  These are all valid, in certain contexts.  Unfortunately, most of these contexts are either completely invalid when applied to software development, or they only apply to very specific circumstances.

Simplicity when running a business can provide many potential benefits, but in software development, using a language that is a poor fit for a task can cause far more complexity than it is worth.  It is important to think of simplicity beyond just what language is used.  A language that is poorly suited to a task can cost far more money in man-hours than a more suitable language.  A program written in a poorly suited language can be so much more complex that it is difficult or even impossible to maintain.  Instead of thinking in terms of avoiding using more products than absolutely necessary, think in terms of the bottom line.  Businesses can benefit from simplicity, but when simplicity costs far more than complexity, the choice should be obvious.

Avoidance of training costs is certainly worth considering.  Of course, if this was really a problem, why are most businesses using MS Office instead of LibreOffice?  Honestly, this sounds more like an excuse than anything, but it still deserves some attention.  First, any decent programmer should be able to learn pretty much any programming language without too much effort.  That said, do not expect employees to be able to find learning resources for obsolete languages, and it might be worth a second thought if an employee is recommending a language with a significantly different programming paradigm than your typical languages.  I hate to say it, but if an employee is recommending a functional language, it might be a good idea to take a step back and seriously consider the implications.  Keep in mind that I am a big proponent of functional programming, and I will assert that learning functional programming will almost always make a programmer better.  That said, if your company is fairly small, and you cannot spare a bit of work for a week or so, perhaps it would be better to hold off.  Otherwise though, if your employees cannot learn a new programming language without costing you a significant amount of money, you are already in trouble.  If you cannot get anyone better for what you are offering, then you are really in trouble.  You should already know this, but you get what you pay for.  Software developers are not cheap, and if you won't pay enough to get quality software developers, you will get what you deserve.

That brings us to hiring costs.  This should be fairly straight forward.  If you can only afford to hire developers who only know Java, then you probably cannot afford to succeed in business.  Yes, developers who only know Java are almost always cheaper than people who actually have degrees in computer science.  Read that again if you didn't get it the first time.  There is a lot more to programming than just knowing one programming language.  A degree in computer science, software engineering, or anything else related requires learning an essential software development skill: problem solving.  Anyone can write code.  Finding the best solution to a problem is way more difficult than just writing some code.  Again, you get what you pay for.  If you make your company a "Java house," just so you can hire cheap, one-language-wonders without any real experience or training, you will also get what you deserve.

So, what if the only person in the company that knows the language used to write this important program quits, is fired, or even dies?  Honestly, I cannot say I have any sympathy for you.  If this is on your list of excuses for wanting a "house language," you clearly recognize that this is a risk.  If you realize that this is a risk, instead of forcing your one decent employee to write the program in a poorly suited language, why not have that employee teach someone else that language, or even have a few other employees learn that language themselves?  If they are decent software developers, this should not be such a difficult task, and it will improve the overall quality of those employees.  A few times, I have heard a more dramatic version of this problem.  What if your other employees won't learn that language?  This is a business problem, not a simplicity or programming problem.  If you were a manager at McDonald's, and you told an employee to go learn to make a new sandwich, would you stop carrying that sandwich, because no one was willing to learn to make it?  I hope you would fire that employee.  Now, if you would fire an employee getting paid minimum wage over a refusal to do necessary work, why would you ever accept that kind of behavior from a salaried employee getting paid far more?  Anyhow, like I said, this is a business problem.  A McDonald's restaurant does not have just one employee that knows how to make a particular sandwich, take orders from drive through, or really anything else.  If you cannot manage your employees better than McDonald's...  Yeah well, like I keep saying, you get what you deserve.

To manage software developers, you need to understand some things about software development and programming languages.  I am going to try to make this easy, by distilling out just the information relevant to a CEO or CTO that is not very familiar with software development.

To start with, programming languages are not one size fits all tools.  Yes, many programmers have favorite languages, but the choice of language should never be entirely based on personal preference (there are programmers that do this; you don't want them working for you).  Programming languages are tools.  Just like construction tools, some are better for some tasks than others.  You may have seen someone use a wrench or screwdriver to pound in a nail, in a pinch.  This does not mean it would be appropriate for a building contractor to only provide his or her employees with a wrench.  Imagine building a house, using the side of a wrench to pound in every nail.  Now, think about programming languages in the same terms.  A person might prefer a wrench for most tasks, just like most programmers have a language they prefer over most others.  That does not mean that it is a good idea to force them to screw in every screw and pound in every nail with a wrench.  Likewise, it is not a good idea to force a programmer to use the same language for everything.  Using a wrench to turn screws and pound nails will take far longer and result in damage to the fasteners and whatever they are holding together.  Using a language poorly suited to a task will result in shoddy, buggy software that is extremely difficult to maintain, and if you forced the programmers to use that language, the poor quality is your fault!  Don't be that guy.

Second, good programmers can learn new languages easily.  Programming is a funny thing.  Once a programmer has learned one language, it gets easier to learn the next (just like spoken languages, actually).  Most popular languages are based on the same paradigm.  There are really only two language paradigms used in industry: Imperative programming and functional programming.  There are a few other paradigms, but they are mostly academic.  Imperative programming is, by far, the most common.  Once a programmer has learned an imperative language, that programmer should understand the concepts of programming well enough that learning another imperative language is fairly easy.  If he or she cannot do this, you have a choice: retrain the employee, fire the employee, or let the employee keep costing your business.  A person that does not understand the concepts of programming well enough to learn a new language fairly easily is not a programmer and should not be employed as a programmer.  Now, there is also the question of, what if one employee suggests using a functional language.  We will discuss that next.

Third, learning new programming languages is good for your employees.  I mean this in several ways.  Knowing more programming languages is good, because it makes a software developer more valuable and more hireable.  If you are in the habit of underpaying your employees, you may view this as a bad thing.  In this case, shame on you.  Otherwise, though, there are some additional benefit that you will benefit from as well.  Learning a new programming language generally changes how a person thinks about programming.  Every language is different, and these differences often help teach a programmer something new about programming and how to think about solving a problem.  In other words, learning a new language often improves a person's problem solving skills, which are really the most important skills for a software developer.  Improving the problem solving skills of your programmers will almost certainly benefit you.  Now, learning a new programming paradigm is many times better for this.  Learning functional programming requires thinking totally differently about programming and problem solving.  This tends to make it harder and more time consuming, but at the same time, the improvement in problem solving skills is equally dramatic.  If your company can afford the time required for some software developers to learn one or two functional languages, it will almost certainly be worth it.

Fourth, knowing more programming languages makes your employee more valuable to you.  I said programming languages are tools, and they are.  Imagine hiring a construction worker that only knows how to use a hammer.  He does not know how to use a screwdriver, a wrench, a drill, or anything else.  He only knows how to use a hammer.  How much more valuable would this employee be if you trained him to use a screwdriver?  And what about a drill, and then maybe the wrench?  This applies equally to programmers.  Maybe you do hire someone who only knows Java.  If you make sure that employee learns a few more languages, you will have an employee that can do that much more for your company.  An employee who can write a web application in Java is nice, but if that employee also knows Erlang, NodeJS JavaScript, and Python, you have someone who can pick the best tool for the job from a selection that covers a broad range of applications.  Haskell is a great language for analytics.  Python is great when you need a fairly lightweight application very quickly (it is also an excellent desk calculator).  Erlang is awesome for concurrent server applications.  NodeJS is very good when you need a low processor usage web service with a lot of community language support.  C or C++ is good when performance is essential.  Java is not very good for any of these things, and some of these things it cannot do at all (note that I have not listed anything that Java is ideal for... there is a reason for that...).  None of these languages are good for everything, either.  There is no single language you can pick that is going to be good for every task.  In fact, sometimes, it is necessary to use multiple programming languages in the same program to result in a quality application.  Python and Lua tend to make fairly good languages for in-application scripting, for programs written in other languages that cannot be used this way.  In high performance applications, it is sometimes necessary to mix assembly language with C, because even C cannot optimize performance perfectly.  Even Python has mechanics for interfacing with C code, so that performance issues can be mitigated by mixing languages.  Many programming languages recognize that there is not a single one-size-fits all language, and now I hope that you can see this as well.  If you prohibit your employees from using the best tool for the job, you will likely lose your most valuable employees, and you will certainly end up wasting a lot of money on poor solutions that are expensive and hard to maintain.

There has to be a limit though.  The fact is, there are some programming languages that are so obsolete or esoteric that they should not be used outside of an academic setting.  In addition, not all businesses can afford to train employees in a new language as backup or even hire top-of-the-line software developers.  Here are some good guidelines:

If a quick Google search does not turn up much information on a language, it is probably fine to tell the guy that wants to use it that he cannot.  Your first stop should be Wikipedia.  If there is not an article on the language, bail out immediately.  No Wikipedia article means no community, which means no learning or problem solving resources.  I once had a manager that convinced a company we were working for to switch to a different testing product, and we had a horrible time finding any resources or documentation.  It turned out there was almost no one using the product, which meant that no one knew how to use it.  When I discovered that there was no Wikipedia page, I realized his mistake.

Even if a quick Google search does turn up some information, take a good look at it.  "Cutting edge" or "bleeding edge" means that if you choose to allow it, your company will be doing free beta testing for the language or product.  Sometimes it is worth the risk, but you should be aware that the risk exists.  It can also be worth spending a bit of time trying to learn what other companies are using the language.  Haskell is not very popular, largely because few people are willing to learn it and functional languages in general are not very popular, but a bit of time searching will reveal that several large companies including Intel have enough faith in the power of the language to be using it.

Avoid hiring developers who only know one language.  Anyone with a real education in computer science or software development will know at least two languages, if not 4 or more.  It is true that programmers that are initially self-educated are generally better problem solvers than those who started college with no prior experience, but even self-taught programmers will have put in the effort to learn more than one language, if they are worth hiring.

Do not be cheap.  You get what you pay for.  Find out what the typical starting pay for software developers for your area is, and offer something close to that.  This is a very competitive field, and if you are being cheap, you should expect to get only the people that no one else is willing to hire.  To be clear, there are far more positions than there are qualified people.  Companies don't turn away prospects because the position is already filled or because another candidate was more qualified for the position.  They only turn away applicants who they will not hire despite the fact that they are desperate to fill the position.  If your pay does not compete with these companies, they will hire anyone who is actually worth hiring, and you will end up with the people who are not worth hiring at all.  The one exception to this is startups that may not be able to afford full price.  This is an eternal problem with startups.  If you are in this situation, don't sell yourself short.  Admit that you cannot pay full price up front, but still be just as picky as your competitors.  If you cannot find someone who can do a good job, cut your losses instead of hiring someone who cannot and failing epically.  In many cases though, an honest startup can make up for the lower pay by offering part ownership or by finding someone who is so interested in the idea that they are willing to work for less pay just to be part of it.  Overall though, being cheap will almost always cost you more than it saves you.

Lastly, do not restrict your company to a single programming language.  Fire people who won't learn new languages.  Hire people who already know multiple languages or who are at least willing to learn more.  It might even be good to include an interview question about what language an applicant would use to solve a problem and why.  (If you want to do this, keep in mind that the important thing is that the applicant gives serious thought to the problem.  An applicant that picks a language because he or she is more comfortable using it might not be a good fit.)  If you really have to try to keep it simple (you might want to see a shrink for your OCD), you can always require a written justification/proposal anytime an employee wants to use a language that has not already been approved.

I also want to mention: This is such a common problem that I hear about it all the time.  Do you want to know who I hear about it the most from?  It is mostly from very skilled programmers that quit their jobs when they got sick of trying to solve problems with unsuitable tools.  It is mostly about companies who's products have dramatically declined in quality, ever since the decision to abolish all programming languages besides their "holy grail."  I never hear one-true-language religious fanatics complain about this problem.  It is always the well rounded software developers, with many years of experience, a large toolbox of programming languages, and a keen ability to pick the best tool for the job.  In other words, don't do this, unless you want to lose your best employees, and end up with a team of marginally skilled "software developers" sucking money out of your company and hiding behind the facade of simplicity.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Video Game Development: Random Number Generation

Random number generation is an important part of most games.  In tabletop games, it supplies an element of chance that can keep the game fresh and give less skilled players a chance at winning.  In video games, it plays many important roles.

Randomness in Video Games

Random number generation is used in many places in video games.  It is often used to add an element of chance.  It is also used to provide variation in game play.  The most common uses of random numbers in video games are in combat and loot generation.  A very common pattern for video game combat is for a unit or weapon to deal a certain set amount of damage along with an additional random amount of damage.  For example, a sword might deal 4 damage plus 0-4 additional damage (giving it a damage range of 4 to 8).  Loot generation is probably the most well known use of random numbers in video games.  It has become a common cliche for gamers to blame the RNG (random number generation) when they have a hard time obtaining an item that is supposed to be common (or at least, more common than their experience seems to suggest).  Many games use random numbers for far more, however.  Map generation is a common use of random numbers that tends to increase replay value.  Many games use random numbers in character generation, and some even use random numbers to customize how characters (including NPCs and mobs) look and act.  Understanding the process of random number generation can be very valuable in crafting the experience you want your game to provide.

Pseudo-random Weakness

First, I want to share an experience I had many years ago.  I had recently taught a friend some QBasic, and he called me up one day to ask if I could help him figure out why his program was not working.  He explained that he had written a program to roll characters for Dungeons & Dragons.  The traditional mechanic for rolling D&D characters is to roll 3 6-sided dice, and sum the results, for each of 6 character stats.  He had written a program that would do this.  He was looking for something specific though.  He wanted to roll stats suitable for a Paladin character, and the version of D&D he was using had strict requirements.  He told me he wanted a character where each stat was at least 16.  After rolling a character, his program would test the stats.  If they did not meet this requirement, the stats would be discarded and the program would try again.  When he called me, his program had been running for well over 24 hours, and it had not generated a single suitable character.  The computer he was using was a Pentium (if I recall correctly).  He read the simple program off to me, and I typed it into my 486.  I promised to do some testing and get back to him.

The result of this was quite amusing.  First, I ran the program on my computer.  After 24 hours, it had not produced any results for me either.  While I waited, I decided to do the math to figure out the probability of rolling 6 * 3d6 and getting all 16s or higher.  Following is that math:

First, there are 216 different possible rolls on 3d6 (3 six sided dice).

Second, there are 3 ways of getting 16 ([5, 5, 6], [5, 6, 5], and [6, 5, 5]).  There are 3 ways of getting 17 (3 combinations of [5, 6, 6]).  There is only one way of getting 18.  So, with 3d6, there are 7 ways out of 216 possibilities of rolling 16 or higher.

Third, since we are rolling 6 times, the odds of getting all 16 or higher are (7/216)^6.

The math for this is fairly simple: (7/216)^6 = 0.0324^6 = 0.0000000011584.  This comes out to about 1/863,245,388.

The problem was not the program.  The problem was that the probability of getting the desired character was close to 1 in one billion.  My friend's Pentium and my 486 could not roll fast enough to have even small odds of getting that roll, even given days or weeks to try.

It turns out, however, that a second problem may have also been a factor. This is a common problem for an pseudo-random number generators.  Computers don't generally generate truly random numbers.  Instead they start with a somewhat random seed (the system timer is a common seed, and some people like to create a pointer and use the memory address of that pointer as the seed), and then they use a deterministic (ie, non-random) algorithm to generate a seemingly random series of values.  There are certain requires a pseudo-random number generator must meet to be considered valid.  One essential requirement is that it needs to have an equal distribution of values.  In other words, it cannot favor certain values or ranges over others.  The results are also expected to be reasonably well distributed over short ranges.  A random number generator that rolls a lot of 1s and 2s for a while, and then rolls a lot of 3s-6s for a while is not considered good, even if the rolls are ultimately well distributed in the long range.  Contrasted with real life, sometimes randomness will end up with a series of similar results, even when it is unlikely.   As a result, pseudo-random number generators don't behave exactly like real life randomness.  This is important to understand, as it can have serious implications on very low probability events in your games.

I have written up a program to illustrate this.  I actually wrote two, but the Python one is too slow to see the effect in decent time.  Following is the code to the  C solution:
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <locale.h>

#define COINS 33

char and(char flips[COINS]);
char flip();

void main(){
    int *seed;
    srand((unsigned long)time(NULL) + (unsigned long)&seed);

    // If your compiler supports it, this allows
    // %ld to be replaced with %'ld to add commas
    // separating thousands in printf.
    setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "en_US.utf8");

    long odds = pow(2, COINS);
    long tries = 0;
    char flips[COINS];
    flips[0] = 0;

    printf("Looking for all heads\n");
    printf("Flipping %d coins\n", COINS);
    printf("Odds: %ld to 1 against\n", odds - 1);

//    fprintf(stderr, "Looking for all heads\n");
//    fprintf(stderr, "Flipping %d coins\n", COINS);
//    fprintf(stderr, "Odds: %ld to 1 against\n", odds - 1);

    int i;
    while (!and(flips)) {
        tries += 1;
        for (i = 0; i < COINS; i++) {
            flips[i] = flip();

        if (tries % odds == 0) {
            double prob = 1.0 - pow((double)(odds - 1)/(double)odds, (double)tries);

            printf("Tries: %ld, Probability of success: %f\n", tries, prob);

//            fprintf(stderr, "Tries: %ld, Probability of success: %f\n", tries, prob);

    printf("We have a winner after %ld tries\n", tries);

//    fprintf(stderr, "We have a winner after %ld tries\n", tries);

// and a list of coin flips; returns 1 if all coins are heads
char and(char flips[COINS]) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < COINS; i++)
        if (flips[i] == 0)
            return 0;

    return 1;

// Generate a random integer between 1 and 0 (1 is heads, 0 is tails)
char flip() {
    return rand() % 2 == 0;

Uncomment the fprintf lines if you want to redirect the results to a file, but you still want to see them on the screen as well.

Near the top of the program is a line that tells the program how many coins to flip.  It is set to 33 in this program, though note that it may not work correctly on 32 bit systems (or compiled as a 32 bit program) if COINS is set higher than 31 (technically, this is only affects the odds calculations).  I have found that 33 is the sweet spot on my Linux computer (my Windows computer compiling with 32 bit MinGW is hitting it at 16).  This is where the random number generator will no longer ever flip heads consistently that many times in a row.  This program also periodically outputs the odds of having flipped all heads, given the number of tries.  Generally, it is pretty unusual for the program to go beyond about 0.86 probability, though on my Linux computer, it has gotten to 0.95 before getting all heads.  If it consistently goes past 0.86 though, you are starting to hit the limit of the RNG.  Given my experience with my Linux computer, using 64 bit gcc, and my Windows 10 computer, using MinGW 32 bit gcc, the limited seems to depend largely on what random number generation algorithm the compiler uses.

The point of this activity is to show that pseudo-random number generators tend to break down at the extremes.  When an event depends on a series of numbers generating correctly, it is very likely that the event will be less probable than the math would suggest.  Interestingly, generating a single number with the same probability will generally behave as expected.  For example, in the D&D problem, we were rolling 18 dice, looking for a fairly limited set of results.  On the older computers, presumably with advanced pseudo-random number generators, the chance of getting this combination was probably substantially less likely than the 1/863,245,388 that the math indicated was the probability.  It is even possible that this roll would never have happened, even given infinite time.  If, instead, we had just generated a single random number between 0 and 863,245,388, the odds would almost certainly have been precisely 1/863,245,388.  Unfortunately, the only way to be sure a series of rolls will have the expected probability is to test, and this can be excessively time consuming.  In general, if you want an event to occur at a specific probability, it is best to just generate a single number.  If there is some reason you cannot do this, avoid having the event depend on more than 8 or 10 random factors, and take some time to do the math to make sure the probability you are expecting is actually what you should be getting.


Understanding the outcomes of your random number generation is also very important.  For example, what outcomes would you expect to come from rolling 3d6 (3 6-sided dice)?  It should be obvious that the minimum roll is 3, and the maximum roll is 18.  This gives a range of 16 possible values.  What might not be obvious is that that chance of rolling a 3 is not 1/16.  It is much smaller.  It turns out there are 216 possible rolls with 3d6.  This is not obvious if the 3 dice all look that same, but a roll of 1, 1, 2 is not the same as 1, 2, 1 or 2, 1, 1 (even though we only care that the sum of all three is 4).  The only way to roll a 3 is 1, 1, 1, and the only way to roll 18 is 6, 6, 6.  As we have just seen though, there are 3 ways of rolling a 4.  This means that you are 3 times more likely to roll a 4 than a 3!  For 3d6, the most probable roll is 10 and 11 (to find this, add the lowest roll to the highest roll and divide by 2; if the result is a fraction, then the integers on either side are the most probable rolls).  The distribution is actually a bell curve, and the more dice you roll, the taller the curve.  In other words, summing more randomly generated numbers favors the average value more.  This can be problematic if you don't realize that this is happening, but if you understand this, you can use it to tailor and customize your probabilities.

Real Randomness

Contrary to popular belief, there is such a thing as real randomness.  When Albert Einstein said, "God does not play dice with the universe," he was referencing a common theory in quantum physics that said that actual real randomness does occur on a quantum level.  Eventually that theory was proven correct.  The universe is not deterministic at the quantum level.  It turns out that we can harness this randomness in several ways.  The traditional way is to measure radioactive decay, which is the most direct manifestation of this randomness, but this is not something most people can do easily.  Other means of collecting randomness include observing certain weather phenomena and measuring temperatures to a very high precision.  Some degree of real randomness can even be collected by observing certain properties of computer processors and their activity.  Most Unix based operating systems include a device file, /dev/random, that provides access to randomness collected from temperature and processor activity data.  In general, there are very few applications that need real randomness though, and even those typically use the randomness to produce a seed that is used by a pseudo-random number generator.  The only common application where randomness is important is cryptographics, including things like generating encryption keys.  For video games, you will probably only ever need this for secure network connections.

This brings us to seeds.  Pseudo-random number generators generate sequences of seemingly random numbers.  In reality, the current state of the RNG determines what the next value it produces will be.  This means that if a random number generator always starts with the same state, it will always produce the same sequence of random numbers.  By itself, this is a problem.  In the context of a video game, this means that the game will always generate the same map, monsters will always have the same behavior, and the entire purpose of the randomness will be defeated.  To fix this problem, the starting state of pseudo-random number generators can be set by the user.  A seed value is used to do this.  Given the same seed, the RNG will always produce the same series of values.  This means that we need to pick a different seed every time, but it also means that we can record the seed we use, in case we need to replicate some behavior when debugging.  In some games (like Minecraft), the players can even get or set the seed, so that players can share seeds for generating worlds that they particularly like (YouTubers sometimes share seeds so that their viewer can follow along in an identical world).  The problem now is getting a unique seed every time.  This is technically impossible, as the data type of the seed limits possible options, but we can get close enough.  The most common way of generating a random seed is to get the current value of the system timer.  This timer is based on the time of day or the number of seconds passed since a certain date.  It also tends to be a floating point value.  The odds of two people getting a seed at exactly the same time, down to millisecond or finer resolution is incredibly small, so this strategy tends to be especially effective.  While this is not generally a problem for games, this strategy has one weakness: If two instances of the program are started simultaneously (for example, using the & operator in a Bash shell), they can easily get the same time.  Another somewhat common way of getting a seed (in languages that support this) is to create an unused pointer, and then use the memory address of that pointer as the seed.  This can work quite well, as programs rarely get the same memory mapping twice, but it also has a weakness.  If the program is run twice in succession, without much happening between, it can sometimes get the same memory address for the pointer.  This is more of a concern for games than running the game twice simultaneously, which is why time is more commonly used.  If you want to avoid both of these problems though, you can instead add the time to the memory address, which will eliminate both of the problem.  Of course, if you are using a Unix based system, you can always get the seed from /dev/urandom, which is a less secure version of /dev/random (don't use /dev/random unless you really need the true randomness, because if it does not have enough randomness collected, it will make your program wait until it does; /dev/random is typically used by cryptographic programs and nothing else).  Sadly, using /dev/urandom will make your program platform dependent, and it won't be able to run on Windows machines or other OSs that don't have /dev/urandom.

The important things to remember when using randomness in a video game are understand the probability of important events (and do the math if you have to), understand the weakness of the distribution requirement and avoid situations where an important event is dependent on too many random factors, and make sure you use a good system for selecting a random seed.  (Note that Python's builtin random module automatically seeds for you, using the best method provided by whatever OS you are using.)